From stone to tool

Emsland Archäologie Museum

In the permanent exhibition of the Museum of Archaeology are exhibited many "stones", which are blades of tools and weapons from long ago. But how does a stone become a tool? This requires a lot of knowledge, craftsmanship and certain processing techniques that hardly anyone knows today - this knowledge has not been needed [...]

House of Little Explorers – City, Country, Forest – Exploring and Designing Habitats

Emsland Archäologie Museum

Last year, the Emsland Archaeology Museum made its premises available for the further training of specialists and teachers as part of the "Haus der kleinen Forscher" project. That afternoon, the results of the workshops will be presented in the atrium of the Emsland Archaeology Museum. But the training program goes into another round: On [...]

From the village to the city. The territorial reform of 1974 in the Meppen area

Stadtmuseum Meppen An der Koppelschleuse 19a, Meppen

With the "Law on the Reorganization of the Municipalities in the Meppen Area" in March 1974, a total of 13 once independent villages became parts of the Meppen municipal area. The incorporation of the villages of Apeldorn, Bokeloh, Borken, Groß Fullen, Klein Fullen, Helte, Hemsen, Holthausen, Hüntel, Rühle, Schwefingen, Teglingen and Versen was intended [...]

Public guided tour of the Meppen City Museum

Stadtmuseum Meppen An der Koppelschleuse 19a, Meppen

In the fall of 2020, the newly established Meppen City Museum opened its doors at the Koppelschleuse. During a 60-minute guided tour of the museum, visitors will get to know the new museum and learn many interesting facts about the history of Meppen. You will travel through time with experienced museum guides who are [...]

Ceramic workshop: Free fruit shapes

Kunstzentrum Koppelschleuse, Remise Meppen

You don't want a predefined theme, because you appreciate the fact that you can work without fixed guidelines? Go ahead, then you are in the right place. In this course, sculptor Christa Baumgärtel gives them the opportunity to realize their self-chosen theme - whether figurative or abstract. Here, nuts, seeds, poppy capsules and fruits [...]

Treasure hunters among themselves

Emsland Archäologie Museum

By popular demand, District Archaeologist Thomas Kassens offers an informal meeting for metal detectorists on the last Thursday of each month. Treasure hunting was already a topic in the early Middle Ages. From this time comes the so-called "Schatzregal", which states that all finds deeper than a plowshare (about 30 cm) belong to the [...]

Open studio

Kunstzentrum Koppelschleuse, Remise Meppen

In the Open Studio we meet to create art together. Here, everyone is welcome who has the desire to develop artistically - children and adults, advanced and beginners, newcomers and "old hands"! The focus is on the joy of creating. There is an opportunity to try your hand at various materials: The premises of [...]


Public guided tour of the Meppen City Museum

Stadtmuseum Meppen An der Koppelschleuse 19a, Meppen

In the fall of 2020, the newly established Meppen City Museum opened its doors at the Koppelschleuse. During a 60-minute guided tour of the museum, visitors will get to know the new museum and learn many interesting facts about the history of Meppen. You will travel through time with experienced museum guides who are [...]

Experience Meppen’s history in the Arenberg manor house

ehemalige arenbergische Rentei Meppen, Deutschland

An ensemble of "experience and information rooms on Meppen's town history" and attractive information islands with innovative educational offers on local history were created on the premises of the former Arenbergische Rentei with funds from the municipal funding program "Perspektive Innenstadt". These include a digital model of the town, an exciting introductory film on Meppen's [...]

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