Planet Earth – annual exhibition of the art school

Kunstzentrum Koppelschleuse An der Koppelschleuse 19, Meppen, Niedersachsen, Deutschland

Sustainability and transformation processes are on everyone's lips. In order to preserve our planet, we must show consideration for future generations when dealing with raw materials and protect the environment. This requires extensive change processes on a large and small scale. However, as the United Nations stated in its 2030 Agenda, education and equality, the [...]

Open studio at the Meppen art circle

Kunstzentrum Koppelschleuse An der Koppelschleuse 19, Meppen, Niedersachsen, Deutschland

Offenes Atelier am 19. April ab 19.30 Uhr im Kunstzentrum 🎨🧑‍🎨🪨🗿 Wir laden euch in unser wunderschönes Kunstzentrum ein, um den Kunstschaffenden über die Schulter zu schauen, an eigenen Werken zu arbeiten und miteinander ins Gespräch zu kommen. Die Teilnahme ist kostenlos. Wir bitten aber darum ein Getränk oder Snack beizusteuern. Wir freuen uns auf [...]

Art School Breakfast at the Youth and Culture Guesthouse

On the second Sunday of every month, parents can enjoy a hearty breakfast at the Youth and Cultural Guest House while the children give free rein to their creativity at the Art School. The breakfast buffet is available from 9 a.m. to 11.30 a.m. and costs €8.90 for adults and children aged 12 and over [...]

Open studio

Kunstzentrum Koppelschleuse, Remise Meppen

In the Open Studio we meet to create art together. Here, everyone is welcome who has the desire to develop artistically - children and adults, advanced and beginners, newcomers and "old hands"! The focus is on the joy of creating. There is an opportunity to try your hand at various materials: The premises of the [...]


Open studio

Kunstzentrum Koppelschleuse, Remise Meppen

In the Open Studio we meet to create art together. Here, everyone is welcome who has the desire to develop artistically - children and adults, advanced and beginners, newcomers and "old hands"! The focus is on the joy of creating. There is an opportunity to try your hand at various materials: The premises of the [...]


Art School Breakfast at the Youth and Culture Guesthouse

Kunstzentrum Koppelschleuse, Remise Meppen

On the second Sunday of every month, parents can enjoy a hearty breakfast at the Youth and Cultural Guest House while the children give free rein to their creativity at the Art School. The breakfast buffet is available from 9 a.m. to 11.30 a.m. and costs €8.90 for adults and children aged 12 and over [...]

Open studio

Kunstzentrum Koppelschleuse, Remise Meppen

In the Open Studio we meet to create art together. Here, everyone is welcome who has the desire to develop artistically - children and adults, advanced and beginners, newcomers and "old hands"! The focus is on the joy of creating. There is an opportunity to try your hand at various materials: The premises of the [...]


Art School Breakfast at the Youth and Culture Guesthouse

On the second Sunday of every month, parents can enjoy a hearty breakfast at the Youth and Cultural Guest House while the children give free rein to their creativity at the Art School. The breakfast buffet is available from 9 a.m. to 11.30 a.m. and costs €8.90 for adults and children aged 12 and over [...]

Open studio

In the Open Studio we meet to create art together. Everyone who wants to develop their artistic skills is welcome here - children and adults, advanced and beginners, newcomers and "old hands"! The focus is on the joy of creating. There is an opportunity to try your hand at various materials: The premises of the [...]

Open studio

In the Open Studio we meet to create art together. Everyone who wants to develop their artistic skills is welcome here - children and adults, advanced and beginners, newcomers and "old hands"! The focus is on the joy of creating. There is an opportunity to try your hand at various materials: The premises of the [...]

Art School Breakfast at the Youth and Culture Guesthouse

On the second Sunday of every month, parents can enjoy a hearty breakfast at the Youth and Cultural Guest House while the children give free rein to their creativity at the Art School. The breakfast buffet is available from 9 a.m. to 11.30 a.m. and costs €8.90 for adults and children aged 12 and over [...]

Festival of lights at the Koppelschleuse

Park an der Koppelschleuse An der Koppelschleuse 19, Meppen, Niedersachsen, Deutschland

With a new program, the Festival of Lights at the Koppelschleuse offers a special aesthetic experience for the eleventh time. The Meppener Kunstkreis is showing light art and projections by Anne Nissen and Steffen König (Hanover) at the Koppelschleuse art center for the Festival of Lights. Students and lecturers from the art school will design [...]

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