Painting for adults

Kunstzentrum Koppelschleuse, Remise Meppen

When you paint a picture, you intuitively create exactly the mood it needs to feel good. Landscapes, faces, animals or abstract painting. Each participant paints what he/she has long wanted to paint - under the guidance and assistance of the instructor. Paints and brushes are available. Canvases are to be brought along. Management: Hille [...]

Open studio

Kunstzentrum Koppelschleuse, Remise Meppen

In the Open Studio we meet to create art together. Here, everyone is welcome who has the desire to develop artistically - children and adults, advanced and beginners, newcomers and "old hands"! The focus is on the joy of creating. There is an opportunity to try your hand at various materials: The premises of [...]


Art in the evening – art school for adults: various drawing techniques

Kunstzentrum Koppelschleuse, Remise Meppen

Are you afraid to start painting, drawing or sculpting at home because you don't have the space or room? Have you had the most beautiful paints or pens at home for years, but don't have the time? Why not be creative together with other people and let yourself be carried away by the inspiring atmosphere? [...]

Art in the evening – Art school for adults: Watercolor painting

Kunstzentrum Koppelschleuse, Remise Meppen

Are you afraid to start painting, drawing or sculpting at home because you don't have the space or room? Have you had the most beautiful paints or pens at home for years, but don't have the time? Why not be creative together with other people and let yourself be carried away by the inspiring atmosphere? [...]

Plastic design – modeling after a model

Kunstzentrum Koppelschleuse, Remise Meppen

This weekend offers the opportunity to work on the model under the supervision of the lecturer. It is very important to deal with the proportions of the human body, especially if you want to work in the figurative field. First we determine the position of the model together and then start the modeling work. An [...]

Art in the evening – art school for adults: Small sculptures made of soapstone

Kunstzentrum Koppelschleuse, Remise Meppen

Are you afraid to start painting, drawing or sculpting at home because you don't have the space or room? Have you had the most beautiful paints or pens at home for years, but don't have the time? Why not be creative together with other people and let yourself be carried away by the inspiring atmosphere? [...]

Art in the evening – art school for adults: sculpting with clay

Kunstzentrum Koppelschleuse, Remise Meppen

Are you afraid to start painting, drawing or sculpting at home because you don't have the space or room? Have you had the most beautiful paints or pens at home for years, but don't have the time? Why not be creative together with other people and let yourself be carried away by the inspiring atmosphere? [...]

Open studio at the Meppen art circle

Kunstzentrum Koppelschleuse An der Koppelschleuse 19, Meppen, Niedersachsen, Deutschland

Offenes Atelier am 19. April ab 19.30 Uhr im Kunstzentrum 🎨🧑‍🎨🪨🗿 Wir laden euch in unser wunderschönes Kunstzentrum ein, um den Kunstschaffenden über die Schulter zu schauen, an eigenen Werken zu arbeiten und miteinander ins Gespräch zu kommen. Die Teilnahme ist kostenlos. Wir bitten aber darum ein Getränk oder Snack beizusteuern. Wir freuen uns auf [...]

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