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Experiencing Meppen’s history in the Arenbergian Rentei

ehemalige arenbergische Rentei Meppen

With funds from the city's "Perspective on the City Center" development program, an ensemble of experience and information rooms on the city's history as well as attractive information islands with innovative mediation offers on local history were created and set up in the rooms of the former Arenbergische Rentei. This includes a digital city [...]


Experience Meppen’s history in the Arenberg manor house

ehemalige arenbergische Rentei Meppen

An ensemble of "experience and information rooms on Meppen's town history" and attractive information islands with innovative educational offers on local history were created on the premises of the former Arenbergische Rentei with funds from the municipal funding program "Perspektive Innenstadt". These include a digital model of the town, an exciting introductory film on Meppen's [...]

Urmel, primeval times, monsters: dinosaurs & co.

Emsland Archäologie Museum

The dinosaurs are on the loose in Emsland! From June 2024, the Emsland Archaeology Museum in Meppen will be showing the special exhibition "Urmel, Urzeit, Ungetüme: Dinosaurier & Co...". This exhibition has much more to offer than just dinosaurs! Life-size reconstructions of long-extinct animals and impressive, lifelike dioramas are used to show the evolutionary history [...]

3€ – 9€

Members’ exhibition of the Meppener Kunstkreis

Every two years, the Meppener Kunstkreis invites its members to an exhibition. After three years of refurbishing its domicile in line with the preservation order, the time has come again this year. As part of the exhibition, the artistic members present themselves to a broad public and thus give an impression of their artistic work. [...]

Edible wild plants and herbs: discover, identify and use them

Kunstzentrum Koppelschleuse, Remise Meppen

Would you like to know how to touch nettles without stinging yourself? How to make a natural toothbrush from a hazelnut bush? Or which herb is best for a cough tea? Then join us on a wild herb tour! After a short welcome at the Koppelschleuse art school, we will go on a herb walk [...]

Cyanotype Workshop: Photography without a camera!

Kunstzentrum Koppelschleuse, Remise Meppen

Create unique photographs with the iron blue printing process! On a short excursion into nature, we collect our picture material: plant parts, leaves and branches as well as sand, stones or silhouettes form our motifs and can be taken without a camera. The participants place their picture on the cyanotype paper as they wish. Here [...]

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