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Fancy your own happiness in one piece? This is easily done with a bar of natural soap, consisting of vegetable and essential oils, flowers and herbs. Sonja Schulte with her “Sauerland Soaps” has the environment and the body in mind during soap production! Because soap made from natural ingredients not only cares for the skin, but also protects the environment. She travels to Meppen with a large selection of ready-made natural soaps – she has something for every taste in her luggage. But not only consuming is the order of the day! This weekend Sonja Schulte offers exclusively a soap seminar at the Museum of Archaeology. Not only the basics of soap making from natural ingredients are taught. With the ingredients provided, everyone can refine their own individual soap to their own taste based on the basic recipe. In addition, the seminar participants* receive many tips and information on the subject of soap making as well as a recipe sheet that can be taken home together with the soap they have made themselves.

To participate in the seminar, please bring: empty tetrapacks, cottage cheese cups, old Tupperware or similar as molds, as well as a sturdy container to transport the soap, apron or old clothes. All other materials will be provided.

Place: Emsland Archaeology Museum

Saturday “Happiness in one piece

Time: from 11 am

Admission: families 7 €, adults 4 €, children (6 – 16) 2 € incl. Museum visit

Sunday Seminar “Soap Happiness

Time: from 2 pm

Seminar fee: 65 € incl. Material

Registration required, 05931-6605

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