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Lecture evening on excavations in the Kalkrieser-Niewedder depression, finds and their interpretation


Was it in the Osnabrück region, the legendary last battle of Publius Quinctillius Varus, or was it at one of the other more than 700 places where the slaughter is believed to have taken place? The fact is that the Cheruscan prince Arminius and the united Germanic tribes inflicted a devastating defeat on the Roman commander Publius Quinctillius Varus in the “saltus teutoburgiensis” and three legions were almost completely annihilated. At least that is what the Roman historian Tacitus reports in his “annales”. What speaks for Kalkriese, what against it? The lecture will get to the bottom of these questions and report on the current state of research.


Place: Emsland Archaeology Museum

Start: 6 pm

Admission: 8 €


Registration required, phone: 05931-6605, e-mail: info@archaeologie-emsland.de

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