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Would you like to know how to touch nettles without stinging yourself? How to make a natural toothbrush from a hazelnut bush? Or which herb is best for a cough tea? Then join us on a wild herb tour! After a short welcome at the Koppelschleuse art school, we will go on a herb walk together. Along the way, we will come across numerous edible and useful wild plants, about which our instructors have lots of interesting things to tell us. We will collect the specimens we find together, identify them and even try one or two plants, and the instructors will also introduce a helpful identification app, show us some of the most poisonous plants in our area and give us suggestions for using wild plants in the kitchen. Come along into nature – there is a lot to discover! We ask you to bring a collection container (basket, jute bag or similar). Leader: Denis Sandmann, Anna Sandmann (qualified herbalist)

Location: Koppelschleuse art school

Age: From 6 years and adults

Date: 18.08.2024, 10 a.m. – 1 p.m.

Fee: 21 € + no material costs

Registration: www.kunstschule-koppelschleuse.de, course 16

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