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Klaus-Peter Wolf lives as a freelance writer in the East Frisian town of Norden, where his hero Dr. Bernhard Sommerfeldt also practiced as a family doctor. Klaus-Peter Wolf’s books have won numerous awards, and many of his scripts for “Tatort” and “Polizeiruf 110” have been filmed. Both the East Frisian crime novels with Ann Kathrin Klaasen and the novels with Dr. Bernhard Sommerfeldt and the series “Rupert Undercover” are regularly number one on the Spiegel bestseller list, and several books are currently being prominently filmed for ZDF.

A Murderous Couple – The Promise: He is a man of principle. And he does not shy away from murder. She is a woman with background. And extremely quick-witted. Together they not only play golf!

A thirteen-year-old student is dead. Died of a heroin overdose. The one responsible for this has just been acquitted. For lack of evidence. And because many witnesses could not remember. Because the police made mistakes. So the one they also call the Dutchman could leave the courthouse a free man. I won’t let him get away with that, thinks Dr. Bernhard Sommerfeldt. I will have to pay him a visit. And his future wife suspects that the tranquil life in East Frisia is not going to happen anytime soon.

The new dream team in suspense – they are a murderous couple and have made a big promise to each other!

Furthermore, be curious about the first Christmas thriller by Klaus-Peter Wolf!

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