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It looks like a somewhat oversized gravy boat and disappears under the long lady’s skirt … At Clemenswerth Castle in Sögel, there is such an object in the porcelain collection, the so-called Strasbourg faiences. But in the castle kitchen or even on the festively decorated table, this object really has no place! It is in fact a bourdalou, a chamber pot “to-go” for the ladies of courtly society. On this evening, museum director Silke Surberg-Röhr will take guests on an exciting and highly amusing journey back in time to the age of the Rococo. The lecture is about ideals of beauty, hygiene and cleanliness in an age that tried to cover up the “dirty” side of everyday life with magnificent castles, voluminous silk robes, perfume and powder.

Registration required, 05931-6605

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